Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Tuesday Worship - Make My Life a Prayer To You

Here's another beautiful song by Keith Green. I would encourage you to listen to the words. It's beautiful.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Trusting in the Lord

The other day I was talking to my boys and I was encouraging them to trust in the Lord. My oldest Noel  asked me, "Daddy what does trust mean?"

I was thinking, hmmm. How can I make this relate to a 4 year old? I thought about his chair.

I said, "Noel, Think about your chair for a second. What do you do with a chair?" "You sit in it," was his reply.

I said, "Correct. You sit in the chair because you believe it will hold you and not let you fall. If the chair was weak, you would fall, but since the chair is strong- you will not fall, and once you're in the chair you can sit back and rest in the chair.  When we trust in Jesus, we can use Him for support and rest in Him. He is strong and He will not let us fall."

I asked him, "Does that makes sense?" He said... "Hmmm, Nope." I just smiled.