Lately, I've been reading in the book of Ezekiel and I was in the 20th chapter. This chapter speaks about idolatry quite often. Verse 16 mentions, "their hearts continually went after their idols".
I got to thinking about how our hearts wonder from God. We are commanded to love God with all of our hearts and to trust in Him alone, but whenever we wonder from Him in our hearts we break this commandment.
An idol is anything we love, honor, depend on, trust, respect and sometimes fear more than God. Our idol is what defines us. Our hearts go after idols when we imagine our lives better with it or we can't live without it.
If money is your Idol, you would work hard to keep it and get more of it. When you loose it your life is miserable. If your image is your Idol, you go through much effort for people to think highly of you. You might even lie to make yourself look more important than you are.
If you are willing to break God's commandments to do, keep, or get something, the thing that would cause you to break God's commandments is your Idol. We may pray to God, but it's all about protecting your idol, because when something happens to your Idol, you blame and get mad at God. "God how dare you mess with the thing I really love, I know I say I love You, but I really love this. Give it back, and I'll love You again."
If we're not careful, we may have many idols in our lives. If your life is defined by anything but Christ, that is the thing you're living for. Jesus will not compete for your love. If you want Christ, dethrone the idols and let Christ reign as Lord in your hearts.
1 John 5:21 - Little children, guard yourselves from idols.
Very true and convicting!!!!!!!! This has sparked me to examine myself!!!